
Unit #6. The 8D Solving Process Model

The  Reactive Problem Solving Process

What is it?

The Reactive Problem Solving Process Is a systematic process that describes, analyzes, and subsequently uncovers the root cause(s) of the problem. It is used to solve “past” actions that are now causing unwanted effects. Generally, it takes more time, energy, and resources to correct a problem than to prevent it. Problem Solving is a reactive process utilized

by an individual or team for describing a problem, finding its root cause(s), and implementing corrective action/solution.

When to use it?

  • When there is a gap between the current state and the documented standard
  • When the product does not meet the requirements of the print or the specifications
  • When the process is out of control
  • When the customers require evidence of problem resolution

Reactive Problem Solving or Proactive Continuous Improvement: Which One?

Using a systematic approach to solve problems can help groups and individuals avoid some of the common pitfalls of ineffective problem solving.

The benefits of this approach:

  • Effectively analyzes all aspects of the problem before developing a conclusion
  • Gathers all critical data, either about the problem or about proposed corrective actions/solutions
  • Tackles problems that are within the control of group members
  • Works on problems that are specific, manageable, and well defined
  • Develops satisfactory rationale for a corrective action/solution
  • Involves critical people – especially those outside the group – when looking for corrective actions/solutions
  • Plans how to implement completely and evaluate the recommended corrective action/solution successfully
8D Step Issues To Be Addressed Expansion/Divergence
  1. 1. Define Concern, Organize and Plan
What is our problem topic or


What is wrong with what?

Identify potential problem topics or

What is our objective? opportunities.
Who do we need to work on the


Develop list of potential problem

solving team members.

What is our project plan?
What will our meeting and decision‑

making process be?

  1. 2. Describe the Opportunity/Problem
What do we want to change? Lots of problem statements for


  1. 3. Contain the Problem
What interim containment actions may be implemented to isolate the customer from the problem? Brainstormed list of potential interim

actions for containment.

  • Include other part numbers that
Are we following the standards? were produced using the process
What is the implementation plan for


and that may be defective.

  • Include other processes that
Were the interim action(s)


could cause a similar defect in

this product.

  • Include all potential locations where the product is stored.
  1. 4. Identify and Verify
What’s preventing us from reaching Lots of potential causes generated.
Root Causes the “desired state”? Lots of potential corrective
How could we reach the “desired


actions/solutions generated.
  1. 5. Develop Corrective
What’s the best corrective action/ Lots of criteria for evaluating potential
Action Plan solution (or set of actions)? corrective actions/solutions.
What’s the best plan for


Lots of ideas on how to implement

and evaluate the selected corrective


  1. 6. Implement and Verify Corrective Action
Will the corrective

action(s)/solution(s) help us reach

the “desired state”?

  1. 7. Prevent Recurrence
Are we following the plan? Other applicable processes/tools.
  1. 8. Celebrate and Communicate Success
How do we recognize contributions? Many recognition plans identified.

Is this a new Best Practice that Many plans for communication

should be shared with others? identified.
Who should be informed of the

outcome of the corrective


How do we communicate successes

and future opportunities?

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